Top Ten Essential Oils
Calming, relaxing, soothing for bites and skin rashes
Detoxifying, cleansing, energising and a great natural cleaner in the home. I use lemon in water daily for the detoxifying properties.
A Cooling oil that supports the digestive system and can help to soothe head tension and invigoration. A very potent oil (one drop is the equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea)
A natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic oil. Research shows it to be very useful again viruses and bacteria. At the first sign of feeling unwell I use Oregano oil internally in a capsule.
You could also use this one to flavour food. Always dilute this oil as it can irritate your skin if used neat.
Tea tree (Melaluca)
Tea tree has antifungal properties and is a great oil to use on the feet. Great on the scalp to help with dandruff and other hair issues.
Very good for cellular health. This is a grounding and calming oil that helps with relaxation. I use this oil during meditation. A great addition to your skincare regime. Known as the King of oils as it is so highly prized.
Deep Blue
The soothing blend is an oil to support inflammatory response within the body and help to soothe any areas of pain. This one is to be used topically and diluted.
The respiratory blend and supports the respiratory system and clear breathing. Helps support with congestion and opens up the airways. A great one to diffuse or apply topically.
The digestive blend that supports and soothes the digestive system. For occasional digestive discomfort I add a drop to water and sip at intervals. Can be applied diluted over the stomach area to help with digestive issues or diffused or inhaled for relief.
On Guard
The protective blend is one that I use daily to support the immune system. Diffused to purify the air. This is a spicy scented oil and smells like Christmas in a bottle. Also makes an amazing natural surface cleaner.